Many new customers do not understand very much about bags. When customizing bags, they think that the color they choose will not be different from the actual color. In fact, it is not.

When the customer needs to customize the color, we will provide the customer with the swatches and then he can choose the color he likes. After that, we will match the color of the bag according to this color. Different bags, the parts we need to match will be different. Take this backpack for example:

The customer needs to customize a purple backpack, he chose #36 on the swatches. Then we will match color of the backpack according to this color.

We need to analyze the parts that need color matching. There are many parts that need color matching for this backpack, such as zipper, side mesh pocket, shoulder strap, strap, plastic piping, buckle, etc., as shown in the picture below:

The swatches corresponding to these parts is also different. The color selected by the customer is only the color of the strap. We need to take this color to the material market to match the color of other parts. As the material is different, we can only find similar colors.
With regard to the colour of Plastic Piping, we will wrap it with fabric of straps to facilitate the colour matching.

After we find the similar color, we will prepare all the materials, and then make a sample for the customer to confirm. This is the sample after we finished matching the color:

We tried our best to match the colors closer, but there was still a little difference. If the customer can't accept this color, we need to send the swatches to the customer again for selection, and then we will match the color again, but we can't avoid the color difference. Color matching is very complicated, and it's not as simple as we think.
If it's a more complex bag, the color difference will be even greater. If the color selected by the customer is not commonly used, it will be difficult for us to match the color. We can't even find a similar color. So it is normal that there will be a difference in the color of the bag.
We support customization of different styles of bags. If you want to customize your bag, please contact us. We can provide you with good service and quality.